Passion Led Us Here

Welcome to the new look of LACFDA

It all begins with an idea. Can you believe it? LACFDA has a new look. For years we have been an institution a group of professionals representing the Los Angeles area. I present to you the latest, greatest, and wholly humble Los Angeles County Funeral Directors new website. There have been a lot of changes in the organization. Our dear Executive Director Karen McLaughlin retired in December. She now has her hands full caring for the little bundle of joy that the family welcomed in recently. We wish her the best and miss her guidance.

We have a new address, phone number and email. Please keep an eye out for our contact information coming through, we are not “junk” and do not deserve to end up in that area of your non-box. I promise my blogs and those of guest bloggers have actual information. Don’t laugh, I’m serious. Our committees are doing good work and you should have a voice and be a part of the experience. We represent you, so let your voice be heard. Send us an email, tell us your thoughts, become a member, help to make the changes you want to see. We are always looking for members who are passionate about funeral service.

As the current President of association, I look forward to seeing all of you at our upcoming Hot August Night event. This years theme is watermelon and I am super excited about it. Who doesn’t love watermelon? I plan to write a blog about watermelon since I love it so much; I feel that is very relatable content.

Yours in service,



Remembering Jill Glasband